Welcome to Boobazhop! Here, we believe in providing a seamless and efficient shopping experience, including a transparent shipping policy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our shipping procedures to ensure a smooth delivery process.
Delivery Charges:
Delivery charges vary among sellers. To offset logistics costs on low-value items, sellers may apply a nominal delivery charge. Please check your order summary for specific delivery charges on individual products.
For Boobazhop products, a Rs 40 delivery charge per item may apply if the order value is less than Rs 500. Orders of Rs 500 or above qualify for free delivery.
Delivery Time:
The delivery time varies based on factors such as the seller, product availability, and your location. Sellers generally procure and ship items within the time specified on the product page. Public holidays and Sundays are excluded from the count of business days.
Please note that the estimated delivery time is influenced by the courier partner's time-to-delivery to your location. If there are holidays or non-working days between the order placement and the delivery date, an additional day may be added to the estimated delivery time.
Order Processing Time:
Our team is dedicated to efficiently processing and dispatching orders with utmost diligence. The typical processing time is 1-2 business days. Once your order is successfully processed, you will receive a confirmation email with tracking details to monitor your shipment's progress.
Tracking Your Order:
We understand the anticipation of receiving your order. Rest assured, you will receive a tracking number via email or SMS once your order is shipped. You may utilize this number to monitor the progress of your order on our website or the courier company's site.
Estimated Delivery Time:
Sellers generally process and ship items within the specified time mentioned on the product page. Estimated delivery time depends on factors such as the seller's
location, product availability, and the destination of the order. Please enter your default pin code on the product page to view accurate delivery times.
Hidden Costs:
There are no hidden charges when you make a purchase on Boobazhop. List prices are final and all-inclusive. The price displayed on the product page is the exact amount you will pay. Delivery charges, if applicable, are transparent and based on the seller's shipping policy.
Delivery to Unserviced Areas:
If a seller cannot ship to your area, it could be due to various factors such as shipping restrictions, legal constraints, or the seller's discretion. Please enter your pin code on the product page to check if delivery is available to your location.
Cash on Delivery (CoD) Option:
The availability of CoD depends on our courier partner's ability to accept cash as payment at the time of delivery. Certain limits may apply, and the availability of CoD is subject to your location. Enter your pin code on the product page to check if CoD is available in your area.
Return Process:
Returning an item is easy. Initiate a return by contacting us, and you will receive guidance on the process. Ekart Logistics facilitates pick-up whenever possible, or you can return the item through a third-party courier service. Return fees are borne by the seller.
Order Not Received with Delivery Confirmation:
If you receive a delivery confirmation SMS/email but did not receive the product, report the issue within 7 days from the date of delivery confirmation for the seller to investigate.
Product Availability Tags:
· In Stock: Delivered based on location pin code, typically 2-6 business days.
· Available: Procured when ordered, delivery time depends on procurement and shipping.
· Preorder or Forthcoming: Can be pre-booked, shipped on release day.
· Out of Stock: Currently unavailable for sale.
· Imported: Sourced from outside India, may take 10 days (about 1 and a half weeks) or more for delivery.
· Back In Stock Soon: Popular item sold out, can be pre-booked.
· Temporarily Unavailable: Out of stock, may be available soon.
· Permanently Discontinued: No longer available due to obsolescence.
· Out of Print: No longer being published.
International Deliveries:
Boobazhop currently does not deliver items internationally. You can make purchases from anywhere in the world, but the delivery address must be within India.
Shipping to Unserviced Areas: If your location is not covered by our standard delivery services, please contact our customer support for assistance. We are committed to finding solutions to ensure you receive your order promptly.
Thank you for Shopping with Boobazhop: We appreciate your understanding in situations such as holidays or unforeseen delays. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we encourage you to track the progress of your shipment using the tracking details provided. For any further queries or assistance, our customer support team is here to help. Feel free to reach out to us, and happy shopping!